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Plugins pour Dotclear

liens (18 plugins - page 1)

Related pages 2.8

Serve pages & scripts

alias 1.11.1

Create aliases of your blog's URLs

Files alias 1.2.2

Manage aliases of your blog's media

Links shortener 2025.03.02

Use, create and serve short url on your blog

socialShare 6.0

Add social networks sharing buttons to your posts and pages

bigfoot 3.2

Empowering footnotes

Blogroll page 3.2

Show your blogroll on a dedicated page

Related entries 4.2

Add links to other related posts

related Links 1.5.0

Add related links from a post

mrvbNextDoor 1.9.3

Display posts from other blog of the same multiblog

dcWikipedia 0.3.2

Search, find and link any word or expression on Wikipedia

shortURL 0.7.1

Provides a short URL for posts and comments

meuh 0.3

My Entries Url Historizer, keeps an history of post_urls on public side

RssFlux 1.6

Liens vers un Flux RSS de votre choix

QR code 2011.08.10

Create and use QR code on your blog \ Créer et utiliser les code QR sur votre blog

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