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Plugins pour Dotclear

navigation (38 plugins - page 1)

alias 1.11.1

Create aliases of your blog's URLs

Comments list 0.9.3

Display a list of all comments and trackbacks of a blog in a public page

Categories Page 1.3.3

Add a public page for categories list

Last entries (Extended) 2025.03.02

Extended list of entries

saba 2025.03.02

Search across blog archive

shortArchives 2.2.1

Display blog archives in an accordion menu, sorted by year

a11yConfig 5.4

Implements Access42 accessibility configuration tool

Author Mode 5.5

Post entries per author + author desc handling

bigfoot 3.2

Empowering footnotes

Ordering category entries 4.2

Set category entries order

dayMode 5.2

Provides daily archives and an associated calendar widget

Discrete category 5.3

Exclude a category from Home and RSS/Atom feed

hscroll 4.3

Horizontal scrollbar

Media Navigator 5.2

Navigate between media in folder

Series 5.10

Series of posts

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