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Plugins pour Dotclear

rédaction-édition (31 plugins - page 1)

Google Maps 9.1

Add custom maps to your blog

Related pages 2.8

Serve pages & scripts

dcRevisions 5.7

Allows entries versionning

YASH 5.3.1

Yet Another Syntax Highlighter

zenEdit 5.3.1

Zen mode for dcLegacyEditor

noembed Media 4.3.1

Insert external media from Internet via

Code highlight 5.6.1

highlight.js for Dotclear

Clone Entry 6.1

Make a clone of entry

Smilies Editor 4.3

Smilies Editor

Typo 5.2

Brings smart typographic replacements for your blog entries and comments

utf8mb4 4.3

UTF-8 mb4 partial support (posts/pages and comments only)

wideEdit 4.2

Collapse/Expand posts attributes sidebar

Word Count 5.3

Counts characters, words and folios, reading time of entry

Writers 5.5

Invite people to write on your blog

dcWikipedia 0.3.2

Search, find and link any word or expression on Wikipedia

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