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Plugins pour Dotclear

notifications (9 plugins - page 1)

Tiny packer 1.4.4

Quick pack theme or plugin into public dir

Email notification 2.0.2

Email notification

ErrorLogger 4.3

Error logger for Dotclear2

commentNotifications 0.4

Displays notifications on menu and dashboard when new comments arrive

Subscribe to comments 1.4-alpha10

Subscribe to comments by email

Newsletter 3.9.6

Manage your newsletters in Dotclear 2

lePLuginDuJour 1.1

To discover a new plugin per day. A switch in Settings blog. Add in your widgets, for the benefit of your visitors.

notifications 1.2.1

Afficher des notifications relatives à toutes les fonctions de Dotclear en temps réel sur les pages d'administration

Jabber Notifications 2.5

Notifie de nouveaux commentaires par Jabber.