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Plugins pour Dotclear

présentation (56 plugins - page 3)

MyCategoryIf 0.2

Multi categories filter

Menu 2.0.2

Manage your menu

highlightSearch 1.4

Words found after a search take the CSS class \

origineConfig 2.0.1

A plugin to customize Origine theme

homePageMode2 0.9-beta

Home Page Mode 2 extension

My Favicon 0.8.1

Add a customized favicon to your blog / Ajouter un favicon à votre blog

lePLuginDuJour 1.1

To discover a new plugin per day. A switch in Settings blog. Add in your widgets, for the benefit of your visitors.

Tag Flash 1.2.3

Flash based Tag Cloud for Dotclear

Hide useless messages 0.2

Select and highlight interresting comments / Mettre en avant certains commentaires ou l'inverse

Include Subcats 2.4

Include subcategories in category.html and category feeds

Dcom 0.8.3

Last comments with more options / Derniers commentaires avec plus d'options

Highlight.js (v7.3) 1.3

An awesome automatic syntax highlighter

aboutTheAuthor // À propos de l'auteur 1.1

Displays information about the author of the displayed article wherever you put the template // Affiche une description de l'auteur de l'article affiché là où vous mettrez le template

flvplayerconfig 1.7

Configure flvplayer.

zoomDot 0.3

Ajoute un effet LightBox sur vos médias grace à zoombox/jQuery

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