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Plugins pour Dotclear

widget (79 plugins - page 2)

Top writer 1.4.1

Ranking of the most prolific writers and/or commentators

Feeds server 2025.03.03

Mix your blog with a feeds planet

a11yConfig 5.4

Implements Access42 accessibility configuration tool

Author Mode 5.5

Post entries per author + author desc handling

dayMode 5.2

Provides daily archives and an associated calendar widget

Blogroll page 3.2

Show your blogroll on a dedicated page

Related entries 4.2

Add links to other related posts

mrvbNextDoor 1.9.3

Display posts from other blog of the same multiblog

mrvbDeltaDate 0.2.1

Number of days between two dates

mrvbCustomWidgets 0.5.2

Mrvb customizations of DC2 widgets

Menu 2.0.2

Manage your menu

mrvbSidebar 1.0

customization of sidebar

acronyms 1.7.6

Add, remove and modify acronyms for the wiki syntax

infoEntry 1.2.2

Display all information on current entry / Afficher toutes les informations sur le billet courant

Rate it 2.2.2

Rating system for your blogs

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